Blog: August 2009
stolen bikes
so 2 days before heading to nz my primary method of training got stolen from my garage last night, along with my girl's bike and roommate's bike.
not stoked.
random mt hood..
hmm not too sure what's going on with my shots here in my draft (all in code) but, couple of random shots from trips 2 and 3 to mt hood this summer.
hich cascade digger van, love it, salamander in trillium lake where i was camping. obviously there's no bears, cause the garbage bins are overflowing with flimsy lids on them. having lived in bear country for like 15 years, this is totally foreign to me. i almost ran into a black bear the other day on a bike ride. garbage lying around freaks me out. anyways..
rode at high cascade for another week, drove home for a weeek then windell's was setting up the bag jump and the end of the pipe, so i flew down for 2 days to hit it and work on some stuff without fear of killing myself. everyone is all secrect on their tricks this year, which i think is funny, but i'm gonna play along and not really going to show you what i was working on. but there's frame grab in the shots. andy finch rolled by to hit it a few times with me, and was getting pretty close to some double michealchucks (yes i'm gonna show you since we filmed it for him). then decided to try something (?) that didn't end well. The bag jump kinda hurts sometimes, but you can walk away from pretty much any slam. speaking of slams, matt ladley was trying viking flips on a windy day at HCSC and got served. he was lucky, only got a broken wrist.
summer for a week then down to new zealnd for the burton NZ open, a world cup (on my birthday) and some surfing.